


CCRP will be changing to a View-Only system starting July 15, 2024.

Student Login Information

  • Username is your Student ID or Student Email ID.
  • Initial password is your birthday as YYYYMMDD. Note that it is possible that your password can be different.
  • You can only access the CCRP from the EPISD network.

Staff Login Information

Your credentials are the same as those on MyEPISD/TEAMS. If you need your password reset, please go through the standard process of resetting passwords for those areas.

Parent Login Information

Parents can access the CCRP through the TEAMS Parent Portal.

Supported Web Browsers & Screen Resolutions

  • The CCRP supports Chrome 60+, Firefox 55+, Safari 10+, and Edge 14+.
  • It is strongly recommended to use Google Chrome.
  • The minimum required screen resolution is 1280x1024.
  • You are running Index Bot .


  • For technical support or access issues, please contact the TS Helpdesk.
  • If you have issues logging in to all district sites (CCRP, MyEPISD, TEAMS, etc.) please contact the TS Helpdesk.